Online Tips -A Kenyan version of YouTube has been launched and creators will have an alternative where they can upload their content for huge revenues.
Just like world’s greatest on-line content hub Youtube, Jtube has come with similar features for local original creators.
Jtube is a short form of Jalang’o Tube run by the founder Felix Odiwuor – a comedian-cum-media personality – whose creative job has made him one of the richest comedian in the country and around the continent.
Apart from his radio job at Kiss 100 FM where he hosts a morning show with Ms Kemene Goro, Jalang’o runs other popular platforms like Jalang’o Tv blog, Youtube among many other online platforms where he earns millions every month.
His fame spans all the way from the days he was at Churchill show, then Citizen Tv’s Papa Shirandula before his name became so big within the corporate world. He has since remained one of the top MCs in the country with companies baying for his brand name for their shows and adverts.
And to rival Youtube, Jalang’o said in his latest interview that this platform will not require any creator to meet a particular threshold to earn. He clarified that as long as one uploads original content, they will be able to earn 80 percent of the revenue from adverts run on their content.
Business Today reported that, just like YouTube, Jtube is also supported by Ads on the platform. Creators can also insert un-skippable Ads in their videos. It intends to connect creators to clients and handle the monetization of all the videos uploaded.
“Its (Revenue) is not about views or watch-time. We are selling your content directly to clients,” the founder Jalang’o highlighted.
It will also have a powerful software system which will check copyright complains for its creators.
Jalang’o and his team behind the idea promised to address the CPM and CPC concerns from the creators who have already shown interest in the platform.