Would you wish to start multiplying your savings every day to save yourself from future financial constraints.
You actually do need to start investing in market shares and stock. Buying shares in different well-performing companies is a lucrative way of making a living while a sleep. Simply put, a good way of multiplying your savings.
Take the huge leap and start investing in buying and selling of shares so that to make profits whenever the companies are distributing profits and dividends.
What is share trading? This involves the buying and selling of shares (stocks) of publicly quoted companies as well as fixed income securities on behalf of the investing public, at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, and the Rwanda Stock Exchange, of which Faida Investments is a member.
From its profile, Faida Investment Bank Limited is a market leader in the Kenyan securities and capital markets, achieving consistent, unassailable top performance in secondary trading at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.
About Money Market Fund investment, we have lucrative money market fund services by financial institutions like KCB, Kuza, Cytonn, Old Mutual, Madison etc and all of them are not bad to compare and pick one that is good for you.
What matters is to pick MMF that is regulated by the regulator. This is particularly done to protect you from any eventuality.
To join Faida stock market, use this link Join