Selling a skill is one of the top most ways people are making a great living from.
Everyone nowadays knows Google and Google map. But not everyone knows that they can make a good income selling them to clients out there. says, you might think it to be an odd idea to make money from Google Maps, but it is actually possible to achieve. Here’s how you can easily do it:
- Go to Google Maps and type in a local area or city.
- Look for small businesses that do not have their Google Business profiles completed or optimized, including the ones who do not have a website.
- Contact one business owner and offer to take on their entire SEO revamp and website building, for free. It’s a win-win–they get your service free of charge leading to increased visibility and clients going to their business, and you get experience for your portfolio.
- Repeat this process with about two more businesses and service providers.
- Make a note of their SEO ranking, and their increase in traffic and sales after you’ve optimized their Google presence.
- Then ask these clients to leave you a detailed review.
- Now you’re ready to go and find more–but this time pitch them with your successful track record, and what you can do for them using practical tangible data from the previous clients you worked with for free. The more skilled you are, the more services you can offer, from a comprehensive website review, to web developing, SEO optimization, and even App development.
- This provides you with several streams of income to easily make in excess of $1,000 each month; for example, SEO consulting alone can see you charging between $50 to $200 an hour. Adding other services easily enables you to maximize your skill set and make several thousand dollars, just from your side hustle.
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