Consultancy -Business Ideas can be superb when started immediately. This is according to business students and experts.
Having an idea is not anything to boast about until that idea is converted into a finished product which could then be commercialized or monetized into revenues.
The reason why it is claimed that ideas are nothing but a dangerous stage in business is because ,with any small carelessness, another person could steal and run away with it.
Cases of people or companies stealing other peoples’ ideas have been there just the same way a musician would cry that his/her lyrics had been stolen by a rival star.
Therefore, always work fast to turn your idea/s into a final product. Before that, you could be trading on a very dangerous and uncertain grounds.
Ideas are never born by two people; it is not true that way because the greatest ideas in the world were as a result of a man or a woman sitting quietly alone in a room; mostly bedroom or classroom corner for inspiration.
What this therefore means is an idea come from an individual and then shared later on during implementation stage when, perhaps, the owner of the idea is sure of his security from theft. This however does not stop anyone from thinking with a group through star-busting/discussion methods. But do this only when you are sure of your safety lest you be left without any.