James Oyugi, the man behind the popular government payment platform eCitizen, handed over the platform to the State last year, 2024.
Speaking on NTv on Thursday March 13, Mr. Oyugi, who manages Webmsaters from Nairobi, explained that they have been managing the eCitzien platform for five years free of charge until last year 2024 when the governmnet decided to take control.
“There is a big chunk of years about five years when we did everything for free. However, we made some money which we cannot disclose here due to corporate issues,” he stated.
He, nonetheless, said, currently, Webmsaters technology company is mandated with handling the technical aspect of the platform and that all the money paid to governmnet is deposited directly to holding account at KCB before heading to the Treasury.
On how much he was making before handing over to the governmnet, he said this cannot be disclosed publicly.