We are told that hard work is the magic stroke to success and a brighter future.
This mentality is planted into our heads from childhood to adulthood. We buy it with every coin we have not knowing that it is never true and not always the case. Hard work can have very little positive impact in your life.
You can work hard the rest of your years and still end up very poor like no other. Nature is something else not what you want or what you do ends up making you rich. You may do two three things correctly and only the fourth one lets you down. Yes.
Ask yourself why someone you perceived as lazy in your class, family or society, ended up driving and living good life which you have never reached even a quarter of it? It is the strategy. Successful people do things differently and easily. They use brains. Some know how and when to strike. They position themselves well and do the correct timing of opportunities. Lack is also with them.
My life studying how this group of persons work left me with surprising findings.
I started to notice patterns. These successful individuals weren’t just grinding away at their desks all day long — they are networking, building relationships, pitching ideas, and stepping out of their comfort zones. They are strategic in their every approach, identifying and utilizing their strengths while delegating tasks that others could do better.
So, therefore, do not waste your energy working hard only. So many other things also do matter. Your ability to think critically, observe situations and apply creativity also matters a lot.