Did you know by just putting all the unexpected money towards settling debts is the best thing anyone can ever do? Finance Expert Tiffany Aliche – commonly referred to as The Budgetnista – while speaking in One United One Transaction Conference revealed that any money received without a plan or…
Author: Pesa Today
News -Radio Maisha’s Nick Odhiambo has called it quits from the Mombasa Road based media house to join Hot 96 FM. The heavy voiced radio presenter will be joining Jeff Koinange on Hot 96 morning show after Professor Hamo left a few months ago. Initially, the 6-10AM show was being…
Solution -Financial breakthrough is a big step in anyone’s life and it always comes after one has accomplished certain specific and risky strides in life. Though it is unfortunate that people remain poor because they overlook some of these factors, those fairly few ones who have practiced patience and resilience…
Success -Mr. Sam Wakiaga is a wealthy figure from Luo Nyanza who owns so many businesses that rake in a lot of income. He is a common name in Luo and mentioning Nyanza without his name is like mentioning bees without honey. In fact, he is among the few billionaires…
Business -Selling is an important art that has made so many people rich. Though, everyone can go out to sell, not everyone can buy what you are selling or offering in the market. Many successful individuals in the world had to learn the basics in salesmanship which fortunately doesn’t require…
Success -Esther Muchemi first saw the potential in M-Pesa business and jumped into it when it was first announced in the country. When Mpesa product was launched back then on March 6th 2007, the business was not so good because few Kenyans owned mobile phones. In fact, just a countable…
Stories -Raila Junior is the only son to the opposition Supremo Raila Odinga who lost his elder son Fidel Odinga on January 4th, 2015. Junior, the last born, is a person who seems to have exactly replicated his dad’s behavior and always does what he thinks is right for him.…
Firms -Did you know that the big companies you keep hearing about around the world were a brain child of just an a individual. An inspired person? Today we are going to show you a list of some few which have grown to become monsters that cannot be managed by…
Blogs -Learned friends as they like calling each other earn a lot from their profession despite being a demanding field. Quite a number of lawyers in the country have emerged top representing who is who in the country hence making billions from their services. Top cream level lawyers in the…
Debt -Billionaire Manu Chandaria has lost a multibillion family business after failing to pay $40 million or sh 4.3 billion debt. The business with a household name Kaluworks which has been in operation for decades has therefore been put under receiver manager – a local bank associated with Kenyatta family.…