Author: Pesa Today

Firms -To be able to successfully register a company in Kenya, one is required to go through some documentation that is not so rigorous as expected. However, some of the documents you will be required to complete include a completed Form CR 1 which you can get by downloading from…

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News -Kenyatta National Hospital Management KNH will not hire on full time basdis doctors pursuing further studies. In a new circular notice as reported by, the KNH defended its decision saying this will make sure there is safety and well-being for their patients. The hospital maintained that doctors training…

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Expert -Thinking of getting rich? This is not an easy task and cannot be about the common ponze schemes that many people still believe in. It all boils down to consistency and hard work. For instance, if you think of an idea and your mind tells you this could work,…

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Investment -Kenyan gas supplies firm Pro Gas has been growing very fast and now almost every homestead has this product brand in their kitchen. From our background checks, Pro Gas was founded in 2017 and since then its growth has been on a steady upward trend turning it into a…

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For Sale -Intercontinental Hotel is now poised to be converted into stalls and leased to government. It has been established. Just a year after it went down, InterCon which sacked all employees has been struggling all through with what next after running down but this has been tough for it.…

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Story -Ms Lunde Indeche is an entrepreneur professional daughter to the Kitui County Governor Charity Ngilu. Background check indicates she is sister to Mwende and Syalo Ngilu all who come  from a family that is supportive to each other’s course. Ms Lunde Indeche holds Bachelor’s Degree in electronic engineering from…

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Online Tips -A Kenyan version of YouTube has been launched and creators will have an alternative where they can upload their content for huge revenues. Just like world’s greatest on-line content hub Youtube, Jtube has come with similar features for local original creators. Jtube is a short form of Jalang’o…

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Success -Eve Mungai born Everlyne Mungai has turned into a millionaire just from doing what she loves. She has specialized in celebrity interview video  which she uploads on her Youtube Channel that was launched in September 2020. Currently, Pesatoday can authoritatively report that her viral channel has attracted a staggering…

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Tax -Every worker at Kenya Revenue Authority KRA will be receiving a double pay for good collections. According to, to motivate its stuff to further collect as much tax as possible from Kenyans, Kenya Revenue Authority KRA management has paid its staff double salary. The publication reported on Thursday…

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Jobs -Radio personality Carol Radull has switched camps and she will now be deputing at the rival NTV station just five kilometers away from Radio Africa where she has been for two decades. The acclaimed sports journalist has found a new lucrative landing at the rival Nation Media Group just…

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